Facility Executive February 2022 Issue (Volume 35, Number 1)
Editor’s Letter: The More Things Change…
Whether you’ve worked in facilities for three years or thirty, it’s safe to say that since 2020 nearly every facility management team has encountered a significant change to the demands of the job. Every industry has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, while priorities and specific issues of concern vary across sectors. A common thread, however, is the focus on preventing the spread of disease. Facilities teams responded to the public health threat in real-time, introducing and adjusting HVAC, cleaning, and myriad other protocols. As facilities professionals, protecting the building is also a crucial task—including creating an environment where people and process will thrive as well as maintaining systems that may have been near-dormant at some point in the past two years.
Still, the more things change, the more they stay the same. For instance, compliance is central to the facility management role and one that’s certainly not new. But could your compliance management use a new approach? The “Tech And FM” column asks you to ask yourself six questions to find out. And protecting the facility with a strong building envelope is not a new concern, but one that is evolving with increases in extreme weather events as well as developments in technology. Read about roofing as it relates to repair options, building codes, and drones for inspections. The stories in this issue look at a range of facility management areas, some with a look at potential changes (the recycling infrastructure in the U.S., or building performance standards on a federal level).
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February 2022 Issue: Contents
The HVAC Factor: Commissioning For Facilities O&M Boost | Enhance HVAC quality assurance with commissioning services.
Tech And FM: A Paradigm Shift In Compliance | There’s always room for improvement to manage the multiple areas of facility compliance.
Recycling Takes New Direction | Revamp of this waste issue is the focus of new U.S. EPA initiative.
Next Steps In Cyber Secure Lighting | Connected lighting delivers benefits—and cybersecurity concerns.
Roof Repair: Recover or Replace? | Evaluate the roof condition to ensure most effective approach.
Building Codes And The Right Roofing | Adhering to the latest codes will enhance the value of a structure.
Maximizing Drones For Roof Inspections | Understand capabilities and limitations to collect the best information on facility conditions.
Energy Standards To Perform | Building performance standards are expected to get a boost through new White House initiative.
Water Management Plans For Healthcare | Is your facility prepared for the new rules to combat Legionella?
Facilities That Are Leading The Way | With myriad improvements and upgrades from facilities leaders, we’ve highlighted a selection of notable projects from 2021.
Design Directions For The Office | With change a constant since 2020, solid trends are emerging for designing and managing offices.
Focus On: Security, Ceilings & Walls, and Leak Detection
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