On September 19, 2019 the third annual Facility Executive Live! will take place in Arlington, VA on the George Mason University campus. Presented by Facility Executive magazine, this one-day event features education sessions, product and service exhibits, and networking opportunities for facility management professionals. Registration with an early bird rate is available until August 2nd.
Fostering sustainability for facilities and delivering results will be the topic of an afternoon session — “Walking The Walk: Developing A Sustainability Culture.” Presenting this session is Gregory S. Farley, the first Director of Sustainability at Washington College located in Chestertown, MD. The 237-year-old campus pursued a traditional approach to buildings and grounds management, which focused on minimizing costs and viewed “campus greening” as unaffordable. That practice exposed the College to skyrocketing maintenance needs, significant variability in energy costs, unconstrained waste management costs, and a student body that questions why the campus appearance does not match the principles taught in classes. Farley will discuss the areas he’s tackled to date to build a sustainability culture and practices.
In addition, four conference sessions are scheduled that will focus on:
- Facility Security: Planning, Response, Recovery For Violent Events
- Build A Bridge To Better Asset Management
- The Value of Landscape & Grounds
- Next Gen FM Panel Discussion
Register today, or learn more at FacilityExecutiveLive.com. And, click here to read about 2018 Facility Executive Live! in Philadelphia, PA.
- Read: Improve Sustainability At 2019 Facility Executive Live! at FacilityExecutive.com.