This week has been an exceptionally active one for snow and ice in the Northeast and Great Lakes regions. Two back-to-back snowstorms have resulted in schools and businesses closing early, or even shutting down for the day completely. Several states have declared a state of emergency.

If your facility is currently dealing with a winter storm that’s unloading snow on your property and creating dangerous ice conditions — or you’re just preparing for next time — here are some timely resources from Plow, Facility Executive’s sister publication Turf magazine’s division that’s focused on snow and ice management.
Study Reveals Salt Is “Sleeping Giant” Of Environmental Threats
A recent study shows salt is the sleeping giant of environmental threats to water and soil. Follow these tips for more responsible road salting as part of snow management.
John Deere Brings Out New Front-Mount Snowblower
John Deere has announced the new Frontier™ SB12F Series Front-Mount Snowblower for compact utility tractors.
Achieving Liquidity In Snow Services
Winter’s just getting started — which means it’s salting, spreading, and plowing season. Find out how John Langton’s crew at Langton Group in Woodstock, IL makes salt brine profitable.
Get Equipped: Snow And Ice Management Equipment
This assortment of snow and ice management equipment can improve and add value to the professional services you offer your company’s clients.
Sustainable Salting![sustainable salting]()
By practicing sustainable salting, you can improve service and save money while achieving responsible use and maximum efficiency.